Mammoth ivory

And other wonderful materials

Mammoth ivory

The surface of the Siberian permafrost melts every summer and at least 80 tons of wooly mammoth tusks are discovered every year ! Natives need a permit to collect and it is forbidden to dig ! This is a resource for them.

A tusk that has not been picked up is lost: 3 years are enough to break it up due to its porosity. A study indicates that there are still 500,000 tonnes of tusks trapped in the permafrost!

The trade in this ivory is legal because it is considered fossil.

according to the C.I.T.E.S. (Convention on International Trade in Species).

Exporté depuis le IXème siècle, l’utilisation d’ivoire de mammouth est attestée en Europe depuis le moyen-âge. Son commerce reste peu développé en Europe.

It remained ivory because it spent more than 10,000 years buried in the frozen soil. It can be white at heart but it is very often colored on the surface by the oxides present in the soil. Once polished, it gives us a sensual and therefore beneficial touch!

This material allows me to create and also to reproduce pieces made in the Upper Paleolithic.


A certificate of authenticity is delivered. It commits the company legally with the customer. All materials are legal and authorized for sale according to the C.I.T.E.S.

ambre de la baltique bois de renne chene de tourbière morta bois de caribou reindeer antler baltic amber bog oak fossil fossilized walrus bone jawbone

Other material :

  • Black oak preserved in the peat bog, a few thousand years old : around 4000 years old when it comes from Brière (France).
  • Fossil walrus bone from St Lawrence Island in the Bering Strait, a few centuries to 10,000 years old.
  • Amber from the Baltic Sea.
  • Reindeer, caribou, elk antlers. . .
  • Steller's rhytin fossil bones, Pleistocene fossil bones (mammoth, steppe bison, steppe horse...)
  • and other seasonal finds!

. . . in the pure respect of the rules of protection of wild fauna (C.I.T.E.S).

A few pictures ...

Copyright : Francis Latreille

Articles without bias. . .

mammoth ivory art craft prehistory paleolithic art permafrost siberia brassempouy art
National Geographic – Photo documentary
National Geographic – Article